Credit card debt is at an all-time high, delinquency rates are skyrocketing and thousands of people are losing their jobs to outsourcing every day. If youre at the end of your rope, and ready to throw in the towel regarding your financial struggles, you can be sure youre not alone. Unfortunately, many people are faced with these same problems, and are finding this situation to be intimidating and unpredictable due to their uncertain futures. If your credit accounts are delinquent, or youre barely making ends meet attempting to keep your accounts current, you can take comfort in knowing that there are options available to assist you in getting control of your finances.
Credit Counseling Upon signing up for a credit counseling service, the company youve chosen will contact your various creditors to work out a repayment plan. At that time you will be required to make one monthly payment to the credit counseling service, and they will in turn distribute your funds to your various creditors. Prior to committing to the services of a consumer credit counseling service, please take the time to do your homework to ensure that the firm, with which youve signed up, is not funded...