This bathroom planning guide aims at providing you with bathroom design ideas useful in planning a bath space, dressing area or cloakroom. You may be planning a revamp of your old bathroom or doing it from scratch, these are some basic points you may like to ponder upon. Lets start with the basic questions,
i) What is the area of the bathroom?
ii) Who will use it? Children, guests, you, two people or the whole family?
iii) What are the fixtures you would like to install?
(Shower cubicle, jets, tub, vanity etc)
iv) Which parts of the bathroom you plan to revamp?
v) Is the lighting appropriate?
vi) What bathroom furniture you would like to buy?
vii) Does it require plumbing work?
Start with first things first. Measure up the bathroom area and make a rough sketch with the fixtures you have, you wish to change, and even fix in case its a new bathroom. This will help you estimate the exact area you have around to play with. Next thing should fall in place with a realistic budget. Even if you are thinking of redoing the plumbing job, estimate the costs, for it can be expensive. With the budgets and fixtures you want in hand, it...