When an individual takes out a home insurance policy, he or she will usually think that they are wasting their money. Most home insurance policies are only taken out of habit and that niggling doubt at the back of the mind that if home insurance is left to lapse then something will almost certainly happen. The course of life is never smooth and things will go wrong, but at least with home insurance you can make a claim. Homeowners insurance claims, however, are nowhere near as straightforward as they sound and so this is your guide to making a claim.
The first thing you should do when taking out home insurance is to make a home inventory. A home inventory is essentially a list detailing all of your belongings. Whilst this may sound like a hassle to compile, it can be a vital aid if your house is destroyed in a flood or a fire, or even if it is burgled. It is the only sure fire way to keep track of what you own. An inventory should be kept up to date at all times so that you are prepared for the worst from the start. A list with all of the necessary facts is only the basic beginning of an inventory. You should also take pictures or a video, keep receipts and store them...