If you’re new to online marketing, you may be unaware of a one important fact–everyone is out to get your email address.Yep. It’s true. You’ve heard, “The Money Is In the List,” right? Well, how do you think people get lists?
But be careful.
Some people are greedy and get your email address again and again and keep sending those infernal emails about this, that, or the other thing, day after day, to every email account you own. It really gets obnoxious!
As one who would love to have your email address, too, I now have to tell you how you undoubtedly became part of a list–Lead Capture.
If you’ve never heard the term, you may have heard “squeeze page,” and most of these pages work the same way.
A lead capture or squeeze page will have some text and graphics and one thing is always the same–the box for your name and email. Some are more elaborate and ask for your home address, your telephone number, and so on.
Any lead capture page should explain why you might want to relinquish your information and that the person/company collecting the information promises not to share...