Most women cannot leave the house without bringing a purse or a handbag with them. After all, carrying a purse along is a convenient way of lugging loose change, a cellphone, a compact, a comb, a lipstick, keys, a vial of perfume, reading material, and all the other stuff that women cannot leave home without. Toting a purse or a handbag saves women from having stuffed and bulky pockets, if they have pockets at all.
However, as convenient as a handbag is in helping us carry stuff around, what many women fail to realize is that a handbag or a purse is a fashion accessory. So, because it is a fashion accessory, it should work with the rest of the outfit.
But more importantly than that, when you choose a purse or a handbag to go with your outfit, you should pick one that should match the type of body that you have. You may not be aware of it, but when someone looks at you, the first thing about your outfit that this someone would be likely to notice is your handbag. Depending on what kind of handbag you are carrying, you may be drawing attention to the curves of your body that you may prefer to de-emphasize.
It is all about balance. Just like any piece of...