When you buy things on eBay, you pay the seller before they send you anything. This means that you, as a buyer, are vulnerable to all sorts of problems. You might not get the items you have paid for, or they might be damaged or faulty. Luckily, you have two very important rights when you buy on eBay.
The Right to Receive Your Item.
Maybe the seller never sent the item, or maybe it got lost in the post. Whatever happened, you paid for the item. If it doesnt arrive in the post as described, you have the right to a replacement or a refund, whether its the sellers fault or not.
The fact that you bought something on eBay doesnt mean that you dont have the exact same rights that you would have if you bought it in a shop (these rights are pretty much the same all over the world). Plus, under eBays rules, the seller isnt allowed to change their mind about selling you the item: once the auction ends, it becomes a contract you must buy and they must sell, or face eBays penalties.
The Right for Your Item to Be as Described in the Auction.
Sometimes sellers dont wrap items properly, and so they get broken. Occasionally they write descriptions that are...