One of the greatest appeals of working at home, for those who are considering leaving their nine-to-five careers to start doing it, is the idea of working from a small business home office. Having a small business home office in which you are the boss, and decide when to check in, in your pajamas if you please, and when to break for lunch–all the way down the hall or stairs to the kitchen–seems almost too wonderful to believe.
But if you do take the plunge, your small business home office will become as familiar to you as back of your hands, of which you will also be seeing plenty while pounding away at your keyboard. And as you become more acquainted with your small business home office, you will begin to notice its shortcomings.
You put a great deal of thought into the layout of your small business home office, but what looks great on paper does not always translate as intended into three dimensions. Two of the obstacles with which you will have to contend as a home business operator are a loss of focus and lack of organization. Staying organized seems to be the real challenge.
A home business will demand that you keep track of countless...