1. Do whatever it takes to get teens to heaven. Paul wrote that he became all things to all people so that some might be saved (II Corinthians 9:19-23). How well does this relate to your ministry? What could you be doing that might reach more teens in your schools and community?
Ministry has its own set of pressures. We have to worry about what the leaders, parents, and members will think about a program or event. By doing whatever it takes to get teens to heaven, you will endure your share of criticism about your approaches, but keep the goal in focus. Keep everyone involved aware that you are not using a certain technique just to be different, but to bring teens to Jesus.
2. Help teens develop a personal relationship with God. While second-hand faith is better than no faith, theres no doubt that first-hand faith wins the prize. Help teens develop a faith that says, I believe in God, not because my parents say so, or because my youth minister or preacher says so, but because I have experienced and know God in my life.
3. Involve teens in daily Bible study and prayer. Instead of simply asking your group to read the Bible and pray daily, provide the...