Every 12 minutes, British workers between the ages of 16 and 24 suffer work-related injuries that can keep them out of work for up to three days. As young people enter the workforce, it is important that they understand that they are no longer in an environment mostly designed for their protection and safety. Some of the burden of Ergonomics falls into the lap of the workers themselves. This burden is particularly acute with the younger workers. Some would argue that they accidents occur with younger workers as opposed to older workers because they are acting in an immature manner or fooling around on the job. Often, however, these injuries occur because the workers in question lack the experience necessary to protect themselves from commonplace hazards often associated with the workplace.
Anyone new to a job has a higher likelihood of injury, regardless of whether they are considered a young worker or are older in age. Younger workers or even workers new to a job need to have the health and safety training that passes for common sense among those who are more used to the job and have been there longer. If young workers understand the risks inherent in their environment...