You’ve Got The Power, So Why Aren’t You Promoting It?
Like all things, theft is theft, misery loves company, negative people are everywhere, business is sometimes bad, things go up and others go down.
If those are all true then knowledge is power right? Wrong, knowledge is only power if applied. So why is it that most of us only apply “commercialized” marketing tactics and fail to utilize the little stuff that counts?
For instance, Google allows us to promote 2 url’s, &
So ok. Nothing new…
Then why aren’t you promoting the power Google gave to you?
See there’s some of us who know that adding a link to both urls within our sites is a powerful thing. But what most of us don’t know is that you can’t just simply add both url’s and expect good results!
You can’t just want popcorn without popping the corn!
What you want to do is give 2 URL’s and 2 Key Phrases. That’s it, there it is! So if you promote your main page twice,
re: &
… Then you want...