Yu-Gi-Oh! is a popular Japanese animated franchise created by Kazuki Takahashi. Originally a hit in Japan, Yu-Gi-Oh! has found strong success in the United States, as well, and is one of several Japanese anime and magna that have done well across the ocean, following in the footsteps of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Pokemon. Yu-Gi-Oh! has a story line that always involves characters playing one another in a card game called Duel Monsters.
Duel Monsters is a card game where each player buys, and then assembles, a deck of cards in an attempt to defeat each other. The decks are made of three different types of cards: Monsters, Magic, and Trap cards. The specific use of these cards is what determines each individual hand strength. Since the story line is repetitive and basic by some standards, in the United States Yu-Gi-Oh! has done especially well as childrens programming.
Yu-Gi-Oh! started as a magna, back in 1996, but has grown at an astounding rate into what can only be described as a global franchise. There have been two additional magna series (think sequels), three anime series, two movies, as well as the real-life version of the card game. This...