Zero Percent Interest Credit Cards How To Get Approved
Zero percent interest is a very attractive credit card feature that gains a lot of attention. Although credit cards have the potential of becoming a dangerous tool, they do have practical uses. For example, credit cards allow easy transactions when purchasing items online. Furthermore, credit cards are great to have when having cash flow problems.
However, because of high interest rates, many consumers avoid using credit cards. Fortunately, there is a way to take advantage of credit cards without getting hit with a high interest rate.
What are Zero Percent Interest Credit Cards?
Perhaps you have seen a credit card offer featuring 0% percent interest. These types of credit cards are offered by several big name credit card lenders including Citi, Discover, and American Express. If you have good credit, a 0% interest credit card has many perks.
Of course, the rate does not always remain at 0%. This is called an introductory rate. In other words, you can expect to pay 0% on all purchases for the first six or twelve months. At the conclusion of the interest-free period, applicants will pay a...